To open this notebook: |0 OneNote must synchronize notebooks that are contained within it. Some of those synchronizations failed. If you continue, any changes you have made in those contained notebooks will be lost.
To learn more about recording audio and video notes or troubleshoot recording issues, visit this topic on Office Online . ...
To learn more about working on notes with other people, or to troubleshoot any connection issues, read the topic Taking Notes ...
To move items from one section or notebook to another, select the information and drag and drop it into the new location. ...
To move pages from one section or notebook to another, select the information and drag and drop it into the new location. ...
To open this notebook: |0 OneNote must synchronize notebooks that are contained within it. Some of those synchronizations ...
To quickly find what you are looking for in OneNote 2007, use the Find feature (CTRL+F) . OneNote 2007 searches text, text ...
To record audio clips, you need a microphone. Most laptops and Tablet PCs already have one built-in. To record video clips, ...
To record lectures as you take notes, on the Insert menu, click Audio Recording or Video Recording. Click stop when you are ...
To reorganize your pages within a section or move them to another section, select the item to move and drag and drop it in ...