Enter an alphanumeric code for the cash discount. For example, 10D2% might indicate that the customer receives a 2 percent discount if payment is made 10 days before the due date.
Enter a value, which can be an amount, day, or month, depending on your selection in the Interest by range field in the Interest ...
Enter additional information for each disputed transaction in the list. After you have entered all the required information ...
Enter an account code for each posting type on the Sales order or Purchase order tab. If you select Table, only transactions ...
Enter an account number to override the default account from the item's posting profile. You can only override the account ...
Enter an alphanumeric code for the cash discount. For example, 10D2% might indicate that the customer receives a 2 percent ...
Enter an alphanumeric code for the mode of delivery. The code can be up to 10 characters long. For example, you can enter ...
Enter an alternative profile type that is used for the calculation if a break is canceled or a specific switch code is registered. ...
Enter an amount for rounding depreciation calculations. For example, enter 1.00 to round depreciation to the nearest dollar, ...
Enter an amount for rounding depreciation calculations. For example, enter 1.00 to round depreciation to the nearest dollar, ...