N - specifies a server principal name. Same semantics as the ServerPrincName argument to RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx. See the ...

-N  - specifies a server principal name. Same semantics     as the ServerPrincName argument to RpcBindingSetAuthInfoEx. See the     MSDN for more information on RpcBidningSetAuthInfoEx. This field can be     used only when authentication level and security package are selected.      -I  - allows you to specify alternative identity to connect     to the server. The identity is in the form user,domain,password where     the three fields have the obvious meaning. If the user name, domain or     password have special characters that can be interpreted by the shell     be sure to enclose the identity in double quotes. You can specify *     instead of the password and RPC will prompt you to enter the password     without echoing it on the screen. If this field is not specified, the     identity of the logged on user will be used. This field can be used     only when authentication level and security package are selected.    -C  - a hex bitmask of flags. It has the same meaning as     the Capabilities field in the RPC_SECURITY_QOS structure described     in the MSDN. This field can be used only when authentication level and     security package are selected.      -T  - can be static or dynamic. If not specified,     dynamic is the default. This field can be used only when authentication     level and security package are selected.  -M  - can be anonymous, identify, impersonate or     delegate. Default is impersonate. This field can be used only when     authentication level and security package are selected.