Provide a name and description to indicate what the workflow is intended to do. Then, specify when Service Manager should check for the events that trigger this workflow.
ProbeActionModuleType {0} is declared as a composite module type and must have at least one ProbeActionModule as a MemberModule. ...
Problem Analysts can edit and create problems that are in their assigned queue scope. Problem Analysts also have read-only ...
Provide a description to help the end user understand the issue classification and whether it applies to their issue. For ...
Provide a description to help the end user understand the issue classification and whether it applies to their issue. For ...
Provide a name and description to indicate what the workflow is intended to do. Then, specify when Service Manager should ...
Provides a connection to the Service Manager database, contains the Silverlight code for the Web Parts, and caches data for ...
Read-Only Operators have read-only access to work items in their queue scope and to configuration items that are in their ...
Reconnect failed. ManagementPackElement ID={0} argument for this Reconnect call is different from the ManagementPackElement ...
Reconnect failed. The IManagementPackSearch parameter passed is not valid. Unable to cast ManagementPack object to IManagementPackSearch ...