Select the property that is used when productions are scheduled and structured. You can then run different productions that ...

Select the property that is used when productions are scheduled and structured. You can then run different productions that have the same properties at the same time. For example, several productions include a painting operation that is set up to use the same color in a spray gun. To minimize setup time, productions that must be sprayed with a specific color can be combined. Production pools and properties can help you manage the production and can be used separately. However, by using pools and properties at the same time, you can define a sorting criterion, so that production pools wait for productions that have certain properties to run. For example, you have set up the pool sequence Pool 1, Pool 2, Pool 3, and so on. Each pool combines productions that have identical properties. Before Pool 1 can proceed to Pool 2, productions that have properties 1, 2, and 3 must be produced.
English (United States)