BREAK READWRITE NOREVERTID BREAK is relevant only for hardware shadow copies after import. The shadow copy disk provided ...


        BREAK is relevant only for hardware shadow copies after import.
        The shadow copy disk provided by the hardware provider is disassociated
        from VSS as a normal volume in the operating system.

        It can then be accessed using a drive letter (if assigned), volume name or other means.
        This access is to the volume without any record of that volume ever being a shadow copy.
        It is the responsibility of the hardware to maintain this abstraction.

        READWRITE               Makes the volume read/write after break, otherwise it will be read-only.
        NOREVERTID              Prevents any identifier revert of the shadow copy disk/s.
                                Otherwise, all disk identifiers will be reverted.

        Example: BREAK READWRITE NOREVERTID %%shadowSetID%%