Usage: pathping -g host-list -h maximum_hops -i address -n -p period -q num_queries -w timeout -4 -6 target_name Options: ...

Usage: pathping [-g host-list] [-h maximum_hops] [-i address] [-n] 
                [-p period] [-q num_queries] [-w timeout] 
                [-4] [-6] target_name

    -g host-list     Loose source route along host-list.
    -h maximum_hops  Maximum number of hops to search for target.
    -i address       Use the specified source address. 
    -n               Do not resolve addresses to hostnames.
    -p period        Wait period milliseconds between pings.
    -q num_queries   Number of queries per hop.
    -w timeout       Wait timeout milliseconds for each reply.
    -4               Force using IPv4.
    -6               Force using IPv6.