If this option is selected, the items that are registered in the journal will be moved with a pallet transport. If you do ...

If this option is selected, the items that are registered in the journal will be moved with a pallet transport. If you do not specify either a location that has an Inbound dock type or a pallet ID, the journal will not be posted successfully. You must select the Check picking location option, the Check bulk locations option, or both options. If the Pallet transports, Check picking location, and Check bulk locations options are selected, the system determines where to store receipts and items from the production. The options in the Mode of handling field group can be used in the following ways: if no options are selected, specify directly on the journal line the location where the items will be stocked; if the Check picking location option, the Check bulk locations option, or both options are selected, specify a location that has the Inbound dock type on the journal line; then, when the journal is posted, the system identifies a location at the warehouse where the items can be stocked and moves the items to that location (how the items are actually moved is up to the legal entity); if the Pallet transports option, the Check picking location option, the Check bulk locations option, or any combination of these options is selected, specify a location that has an Inbound dock type and a pallet ID on the journal line; then, when the journal is posted, the system identifies a location at the warehouse where the pallet with the items can be stocked; a pallet transport is generated, and the pallet is moved to the pallet transport.
English (United States)