EXPLANATION The specified option can be confused with other options. ACTION Type enough letters of the option so that it is unambiguous. If the command has two options that both begin with /OPT, such as /OPT and /OPTION, you must type at least four letters to designate the second option. To see a list of options for this command, type: NET HELP command
EXPLANATION The service you specified could not start. ACTION In the services section of your configuration file, find the ...
EXPLANATION The share name you specified does not exist. ACTION Check the spelling of the share name. To display a list of ...
EXPLANATION The specified computer does not have a session with the server. ACTION Check the spelling of the computer name. ...
EXPLANATION The specified message number does not represent a Windows NT message. ACTION Check that you typed the correct ...
EXPLANATION The specified option can be confused with other options. ACTION Type enough letters of the option so that it ...
EXPLANATION The specified option is invalid. ACTION Check the spelling of the option you typed. To see a list of options ...
EXPLANATION The specified program file could not be found. ACTION Check that the program is in the same directory as NET.EXE, ...
EXPLANATION The specified server is not configured to accept the command you typed. ACTION Ask your network administrator ...
EXPLANATION The specified server is not started. The server must be started before you can run this command. ACTION Use the ...