Select this option to post the updated financial value of items in the ledger. When a purchase order is invoice-updated, ...

Select this option to post the updated financial value of items in the ledger. When a purchase order is invoice-updated, the value of the items is posted to the inventory receipt account. When a sales order is invoice-updated, the value of the items is posted to the inventory issue and the consumption accounts. The inventory value that is posted can then be reconciled with the related status accounts in General ledger. If this option is cleared, when a purchase order is invoice-updated, the value of the items is posted to the item consumption account, but not to the inventory receipt account. When a sales order is invoice-updated, no posting occurs in the item consumption account or the issue account. Clear this option for service items if the item consumption should not be posted when sales orders are invoiced. When this option is cleared, the journal lines for the items do not generate ledger postings.
English (United States)