ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the identity of referenced assembly '%1!s!' has changed. Make sure the version, name, and public key have not changed.
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because serialization layout of type '%1!s!' would change as a result of a change in type '%2!s!' in ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because table, view or constraint '%1!s!' depends on this assembly. Use WITH UNCHECKED DATA to skip ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the function '%1!s!' of type '%2!s!' no longer satisfies indexability requirements, and is ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the identity of referenced assembly '%1!s!' has changed. Make sure the version, name, and public ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the IsFixedLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the MaxLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the mutator attribute of method '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' would change in the updated assembly, ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required field "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated ...