DESCRIPTION: Protects or removes protection on the DACL in the Security Descriptor associated with a link. If the DACL is ...

Protects or removes protection on the DACL in the Security Descriptor 
associated with a link. If the DACL is protected, the link has explicit ACEs
only. If the DACL is unprotected, inherited ACEs merge with ACEs on the link.


       : UNC path to the DFS link.
Protect         : Protects the DACL of Security Descriptor associated with
                  the link.
UnProtect       : Removes protection on the DACL of the Security Descriptor 
                  associated with the link. Inherited ACEs from the parent
          directory will merge with ACEs set explicitly on the link.
dfsutil property SD Control \\\DomainNamespace1\Link1 protect
dfsutil property SD Control \\StandaloneServer
amespace1\Link1 unprotect