Prevents the operating system and installed programs from creating and displaying shortcuts to recently opened documents. ...

"Prevents the operating system and installed programs from creating and displaying shortcuts to recently opened documents.

If you enable this setting, the system and Windows programs do not create shortcuts to documents opened while the setting is in effect. Also, they retain but do not display existing document shortcuts. The system empties the Documents menu on the Start menu, and Windows programs do not display shortcuts at the bottom of the File menu.

If you disable this setting, the system defaults are enforced. Disabling this setting has no effect on the system.

Note: The system saves document shortcuts in the user profile in the System-drive\Documents and Settings\User-name
ecent folder.

Also, see the "Remove Documents menu from Start Menu" and "Clear history of recently opened documents on exit" policies in this folder.

If you enable this setting but do not enable the "Remove Documents menu from Start Menu" setting, the Documents menu appears on the Start menu, but it is empty.

If you enable this setting, but then later disable it or set it to Not Configured, the document shortcuts saved before the setting was enabled reappear in the Documents menu and program File menus.

This setting does not hide document shortcuts displayed in the Open dialog box. See the "Hide the dropdown list of recent files" setting.

Note: It is a requirement for third-party applications with Windows 2000 or later certification to adhere to this setting."
English (United States)