Monitors database connectivity from Runbook Worker servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection to the Service Management Automation database.
Microsoft Update offers security updates and other important updates for Windows and other Microsoft software, including ...
Module {0} could not be created as connection type with the same name {1} and different connention type field properties/values ...
Monitors availability of Service Management Automation Web Service. This is done by periodically making a test connection ...
Monitors database connectivity from Runbook Web servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection to the Service ...
Monitors database connectivity from Runbook Worker servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection to the ...
Monitors database connectivity from the Runbook Worker and Web servers. This is done by periodically making a test connection ...
Monitors the rate at which request for running the jobs are being processed by the Runbook Worker. The actual execution rate ...
No authentication method has been selected. An authentication method needs to be specified in the authentication.config file. ...
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...