/AddValue: The new client value to add to the filter. You can specify multiple values for a single filter type. See the following ...

        The new client value to add to the filter. You can specify
        multiple values for a single filter type. See the following
        list for valid values for certain filter types.

        The existing client value to remove from the filter. You can
        specify multiple values for a single filter type. See the
        following list for valid values for certain filter types.

Valid Filter Values:
Filter Type: ChassisType
Other, UnknownChassis, Desktop, LowProfileDesktop, PizzaBox, MiniTower,
Tower, Portable, Laptop, Notebook, Handheld, DockingStation, AllInOne,
SubNotebook, SpaceSaving, LunchBox, MainSystemChassis, ExpansionChassis,
SubChassis, BusExpansionChassis, PeripheralChassis, StorageChassis,
RackMountChassis, SealedCaseComputer, MultiSystemChassis, CompactPci,

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers
/FilterType:Manufacturer /Policy:Include /AddValue:Name1 /RemoveValue:Name2

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers
/FilterType:Manufacturer /Policy:Include /RemoveValue:Name1
/FilterType:ChassisType /Policy:Exclude /AddValue:Tower /AddValue:MiniTower