The ValueRole property indicates further semantics on the interpretation of the non-null, non-key properties of the Component ...

The ValueRole property indicates further semantics on the interpretation of the non-null, non-key properties of the Component SettingData.
\"Default\" indicates that property values of the component SettingData instance will be used as default values, when a new SettingData instance is created for elements whose capabilities are defined by the associated Capabilities instance.
Across instances of settingdata, for particular properties having the same semantic purpose, at most one such settingdata instance shall be specified as a default.
\"Optimal\" indicates that the SettingData instance represents optimal setting values for elements associated with the associated capabilities instance. Multiple component SettingData instances may be declared as optimal.\"Mean\" indicates that the non-null, non-key, non-enumerated, non-boolean, numeric properties of the associated SettingData instance represents an average point along some dimension. For different combinations of SettingData properties, multiple component SettingData instances may be declared as \"Mean\". \"Supported\" indicates that the non-null, non-key properties of the Component SettingData instance represents a set of supported property values that are not otherwise qualified.
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