Usage: DnsCmd /EnumTrustPoints - optional name of a trust point or node. When provided, the named trust point will be enumerated ...

Usage: DnsCmd  /EnumTrustPoints []
  [] -- optional name of a trust point or node. When provided,
                        the named trust point will be enumerated if it exists,
                        and the names of any child trust points will also be

    Name -- The FQDN of the trust point.
    State -- The current state of the trust point. One of:
      Active -- The trust point has one or more valid trust anchors, and
                 queries at or below the trust point are secured with DNSSEC.
      DS Pending -- The trust point is not secured because its DS trust
                    anchor(s) have not been converted to a valid DNSKEY trust
                    anchor yet.
      DS Invalid -- The trust point is not secured because its DS trust
                    anchor(s) correspond to a DNSKEY that is not valid as a
                    trust anchor.
    Last active refresh time -- The time of the last active refresh.
    Last active refresh result -- The final error code generated during the
                                  last active refresh.
    Next active refresh time -- When the next active refresh is scheduled to
    Last successful active refresh time -- The last time that an active refresh
                                           completed without error.