The zone %1 was previously loaded from the directory partition %2 but another copy of the zone has been found in directory ...

The zone %1 was previously loaded from the directory partition %2 but another  copy of the zone has been found in directory partition %3. The DNS  Server will ignore this new copy of the zone. Please resolve this conflict  as soon as possible.  
If an administrator has moved this zone from one directory partition  to another this may be a harmless transient condition. In this case, no  action is necessary. The deletion of the original copy of the zone should  soon replicate to this server.  
If there are two copies of this zone in two different directory  partitions but this is not a transient caused by a zone move operation  then one of these copies should be deleted as soon as possible  to resolve this conflict.  
To change the replication scope of an application directory partition containing  DNS zones and for more details on storing DNS zones in the application directory  partitions, please see Help and Support.
English (United States)