You must enter a number greater than zero for a Repeat Count argument.@You tried to use the RunMacro action or method, but you entered a value less than zero (or an expression that evaluates to less than zero) in the Repeat Count argument.@To run the macro once, leave this argument blank.@1@@@1
You may have chosen fields from a table and from a | based on that table. If so, try choosing fields from only the table ...
You may want to specify all the fields to group on yourself. To do this, return to the wizard, view by the table indicated ...
You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, ...
You must define a sort field or expression for the group header or footer in the report you tried to preview or print.@1@1@8753@1 ...
You must enter a number greater than zero for a Repeat Count argument.@You tried to use the RunMacro action or method, but ...
You must enter a personal identifier (PID) consisting of at least 4 and no more than 20 characters and digits.@|9 uses the ...
You must enter Group By in the Total row for a field that has Column Heading in the Crosstab row.@The values derived from ...
You must enter Group By in the Total row for at least one of the Row Heading options you enter in the Crosstab row.@1@1@9980@1 ...
You must enter the name of the table you are creating or appending records to.@You tried to define a make-table or append ...