Archive payment journals to separate them from active journals. You can enter criteria to specify the journals to archive.
Approval of the transaction is in progress on the customer-facing device. To cancel the approval request, choose Cancel on ...
Approval requests have been sent.\Requests for some journal lines were not sent, either because they are already sent or ...
Approve or reject your resources' time sheet entries in a window that contains lines for all time sheets that resources have ...
Aquiring Token from ACS has failed. Please check if your tenantId is specified correctly in your Email Server Profile, and ...
Archive payment journals to separate them from active journals. You can enter criteria to specify the journals to archive. ...
Are the copied lines to be an exact copy of the selected lines, incl. all order information such as sales tax, ledger accounts ...
Are you sure that you want the behavior of this field to be {0}? Once the attribute is saved, the behavior can not be changed. ...
Are you sure that you want to edit this kit configuration? Editing this kit configuration will change the status back to ...
Are you sure that you want to mark this alert for publishing? By clicking OK you agree to share this information including ...