Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. A conflict in the binding properties caused this failure. The UseActiveDirectory is set to true and QueueTransferProtocol is set to Native. To resolve the conflict, correct one of the properties.
Binding validation failed because the TransportBindingElement's ManualAddressing property was set to true on a binding that ...
Binding validation failed because the URI represents a subqueue and the ReceiveErrorHandling parameter is set to Move. The ...
Binding validation failed because the WSHttpBinding does not support reliable sessions over transport security (HTTPS). The ...
Binding validation failed. The client cannot send a message. The specified dead letter queue does not exist or cannot be ...
Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. A conflict in the binding properties caused this failure. The ...
Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. A conflict in the binding properties is causing the failure. ...
Binding validation failed. The client cannot send messages. The CustomDeadLetterQueue property is set, but the DeadLetterQueue ...
Binding validation failed. The client cannot send the message. The DeadLetterQueue is set to Custom, but the CustomDeadLetterQueue ...
Binding validation failed. The service or the client cannot be started. A conflict in the binding properties caused this ...