Failed to create .NET Frameworks PropertyGrid component. Please verify that the Common Language Runtime and .NET Frameworks are properly installed.
Failed to attach to the portal for project {0}. Portal address: {1}. Use the Portal Settings dialog to attach manually. The ...
Failed to authenticate a connection to the remote system. Check that both systems have been configured with the same certificate. ...
Failed to check convertibility from type '{0}' using '{1}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented TypeConverter. ...
Failed to check convertibility to type '{0}' using '{1}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented TypeConverter. ...
Failed to create .NET Frameworks PropertyGrid component. Please verify that the Common Language Runtime and .NET Frameworks ...
Failed to create file '{0}' because the full path name is too long. Please rename your dataset file or place your project ...
Failed to create the stored procedures because of the following error: {0} Confirm you have permission to add scripts to ...
Failed to create Unit Test Private Accessor file for the following reason(s): {0} Would you like to force creation? This ...
Failed to create user {0} on the test controller machine {1} as the password is not available. Specify user name (for example, ...