An error occurred in delegating access while sending email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server profile {1} has been notified. The system will try to send email again later.
An error occurred in delegating access while receiving email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email ...
An error occurred in delegating access while receiving email. Mailbox {0} didn't synchronize. The owner of the associated ...
An error occurred in delegating access while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The mailboxes didn't synchronize. ...
An error occurred in delegating access while sending email through one or more mailboxes. The system will try to send email ...
An error occurred in delegating access while sending email through your mailbox {0}. The owner of the associated email server ...
An error occurred in delegating access while sending the email message {0} through the mailbox {1}. The owner of the associated ...
An error occurred in delegating access while sending the email message {0}. Mailbox {1} didn't synchronize. The owner of ...
An error occurred in receiving email for the mailbox {0} while connecting to the email server. The owner of the associated ...
An error occurred in receiving email while connecting to the email server. The system will try to receive email again later. ...