Search property list '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because it is being used by at least one full-text index. To identify the ...

Search property list '%1!s!' cannot be dropped because it is being used by at least one full-text index. To identify the full-text indexes that are using the search property list, obtain the search property list id from the property_list_id column of the sys.registered_search_property_lists catalog view, and then obtain the object ID of every table or indexed view whose full-text index is associated with this search property list from the object_id and property_list_id columns of the sys.fulltext_indexes catalog view . For each full-text index, either remove the search property list or drop the full-text index, if it is no longer needed. To remove the search property list, use ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX ON  SET SEARCH PROPERTY LIST OFF;. To drop a full-text index, use DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON ;.