IPAM enables you to organize IP address ranges into logical groups. For example, you might organize IP address ranges geographically ...

IPAM enables you to organize IP address ranges into logical groups. For example, you might organize IP address ranges geographically or by business division. Logical groups are defined by selecting the grouping criteria from built-in or user defined custom fields. IPAM supports a nesting hierarchy when defining a logical group. Ranges map into a particular group based on the value of the custom field assigned to that range. IPAM summarizes utilization statistics and trends for a logical group based on the address ranges that map to that block. The available views under IP Address Range Groups include: IP Address Ranges, IP Addresses, and IP Address Range Groups. You can create new custom fields and values, and assign custom configurations to IP address ranges. IPAM also allows certain built-in IP range properties to be customized using the custom field mapper such as managed by service and service instance.