Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator and have this virtual machine associated with a user role of which you are a member.
Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. In some cases, it may be necessary to restore the VMM ...
Contact an experienced SQL administrator whenever this error occurs. Look at Windows Event Log for troubleshooting. Run DBCC ...
Contact the cloud administrator and provide Task ID %Id; to determine the reason that this VM cannot be hosted. Resolve issues ...
Contact the cloud administrator and provide Task ID %Id; to determine the specific set of issues. Resolve issues with the ...
Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator and have this virtual machine associated with a user role of which you ...
Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the Self-Service Portal website is running under the NETWORK ...
Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the user account is still active and then try logging on ...
Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that the user has access to this virtual machine and that the ...
Contact the Virtual Machine Manager administrator to verify that your account is a member of a valid user role and then try ...