You are attempting to manage a '{0}' system, however the '{0}' Management Packs are not currently imported. If you wish to manage this system, import the Management Packs and try again.
X-Monitor requested an ASP.NET recycle due to an AppDomain unload. The request may lead to IIS generating an "aspnet_wp.exe ...
You are about to delete the folder '{0}'. All the views and shortcuts inside the folder will also be deleted. Do you want ...
You are attempting to discover a system that is not supported with the currently imported Management Packs. If you wish to ...
You are attempting to export a distributed application as a new template. This new template will be based on the original ...
You are attempting to manage a '{0}' system, however the '{0}' Management Packs are not currently imported. If you wish to ...
You are attempting to manage a '{0}' system, however the task '{1}' is not contained within the currently imported '{0}' ...
You are converting the "{0}" resource pool membership method from automatic to manual. After conversion, you must add or ...
You are permanently deleting the selected channels. Any previous notifications configured to use these channels will no longer ...
You are permanently deleting the selected subscribers. Any previous notifications configured to be sent to these subscribers ...