You have specified to create a %1 host for a BizTalk In-Process host and a %2 host for a BizTalk isolated host. Trusted and non-trusted host instances cannot share the same logon account. Please specify a different logon account.
You have specified an invalid user name and password combination. Make sure the password matches the user name you have provided. ...
You have specified compensation actions. Setting the Transaction Type property to None will cause your compensation to be ...
You have specified customized compensation actions. Setting the Compensation property to None or Default will cause your ...
You have specified exception handlers. Setting the Transaction Type property to Atomic will cause your exception handlers ...
You have specified to create a %1 host for a BizTalk In-Process host and a %2 host for a BizTalk isolated host. Trusted and ...
You have specified to join a BizTalk group that is pointing to a different Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) Master Secret ...
You have successfully installed some of the prerequisites for %1. The installation of these pre-requisites requires a reboot. ...
You have successfully migrated all your party artifacts to the new TPM model. You can start your upgrade process at any time ...
You have validation errors. Not ALL selected features will be configured. Double click on the entries marked with to see ...