Archive log file in a self-contained format. A subdirectory with the name of the locale is created and all locale-specific ...

Archive log file in a self-contained format. A subdirectory with the name of the locale is created and all locale-specific information is saved in that subdirectory. When the directory created by the archive-log command is present along with the log file, events in the file can be read whether or not the publisher is installed.  Usage:  wevtutil { al | archive-log } LOGFILE [/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...]  LOGFILE The log file to be archived. A log file can be generated using export-log or clear-log command.  Options:  You can use either the short (i.e. /l) or long (i.e. /locale) version of the option names. Options and their values are case-insensitive.  /l:VALUE (locale) Use a specific locale to archive a log file. If not specified, locale of the current console will be used. For a list of all supported locale strings, please refer to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) documentation for the LocaleNameToLCID API.
English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
German (Germany)
Español (España)
Spanish (Spain)
Français (France)
French (France)