Setup.exe /client | /server /prep /i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f /VmmServiceDomain /VmmServiceUserName /VmmServiceUserPassword ]| /x ...

Setup.exe [/client | /server [/prep] ] [/i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f  [/VmmServiceDomain  /VmmServiceUserName  /VmmServiceUserPassword ]| /x [/f ]] [/SqlDBAdminDomain  /SqlDBAdminName  /SqlDBAdminPassword ] [/?] 
/? - Displays this command-line help. 
/IACCEPTSCEULA - Acknowledge acceptance of the license terms.  
/server /i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f  [/SqlDBAdminDomain  /SqlDBAdminName  /SqlDBAdminPassword ] [/VmmServiceDomain  /VmmServiceUserName  /VmmServiceUserPassword ] - Uses the specified .ini file to perform an unattended installation of the VMM management server and passes in the SQL Administrator and VMM management server service account credentials if necessary.  
/server /prep /i /f  - Performs Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM) installation of the VMM management server using the specified .ini file.  
/client /i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f  - Uses the specified .ini file to perform an unattended installation of the VMM console. 
/client /i /IACCEPTSCEULA /f  /opsmgr - Uses the specified .ini file to perform an unattended installation of the VMM console, and then configures the pre-installed Operations Manager 2007. 
/server /x [/f ] [/SqlDBAdminDomain  /SqlDBAdminName  /SqlDBAdminPassword ] - Uninstalls the VMM management server using the .ini file and passes in the SQL Administrator credential if necessary.  
/client /x - Uninstalls the VMM console. 

The example INI files (VMClient.ini, VMServer.ini and VMServerUninstall.ini) show the available options for commands that include . 
You can find these files on the installation CD.