Modifies the attributes of an existing failover relationship. If the failover mode of relation is LoadBalance or is being ...

Modifies the attributes of an existing failover relationship.
If the failover mode of relation is LoadBalance or is being changed to LoadBalance, LoadBalancePercent, MaxClientLeadTime, SafePeriod, AutoStateTransition, SharedSecret, State can be specified.  
If the failover mode of relation is HotStandby or is being changed to HotStandby, ReservePercent, MaxClientLeadTime, SafePeriod, AutoStateTransition, SharedSecret, State can be specified.
Specifying a param other than this, will lead to a TE.
If sharedsecret is specified a value other than null, EnableAuth will be set to true.
If null is specified for sharedsecret, enableauth will be set to false in the data structure.
If mode is being changes, default confirmation will be sought.
If sharedsecret is specified, default confirmation will be sought intimating the user that the shared secret may be transported in the clear on the network.