Add new file groups. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Filegroup Add /Filegroup:FG_NAME /Members:"MEMBERS" /Nonmembers:"NONMEMBERS" ...

Add new file groups.

The syntax of this command is:

Filescrn Filegroup Add /Filegroup:FG_NAME /Members:"MEMBERS"
                       [/Nonmembers:"NONMEMBERS"] [/Remote:MACHINE]

   /Filegroup:FG_NAME         Add file group with name FG_NAME.

   /Members:"MEMBERS"         Configure file group member patterns. MEMBERS is
                              a list of file name patterns separated by '|'.

   /Nonmembers:"NONMEMBERS"   Configure file group non-member patterns.
                              NONMEMBERS is a list of file name patterns
                              separated by '|'.

   /Remote:MACHINE            Perform the operation on machine MACHINE.

   Filescrn Filegroup Add /Filegroup:"Log Files" /Members:"*.log|*.history"