The number of days a pending BITS job can remain inactive before being considered abandoned by the requestor. Once a job ...

"The number of days a pending BITS job can remain inactive before being considered abandoned by the requestor.

Once a job is determined to be abandoned, it is removed by the system and any downloaded files pertaining to the job are deleted from the disk. Any property changes for the job or any successful download action resets this timer.

If the computer remains offline for a long period of time, no activity for the job will be recorded.

You might want to increase this value if computers tend to stay offline for a longer period of time and still have pending jobs. You might want to decrease this value if you are concerned about orphaned jobs occupying disk space.

If you enable this setting, you can configure the inactive job time-out to specified number of days. If you disable or do not configure this setting, the default value of 90 (days) will be used for the inactive job time-out."
English (United States)