GeJSON polygon must contain field "type" with value "Polygon" and field "coordinates" with a list of no less than 4 point type elements, first point must be equal to last point. Values cannot be null.
Function '{0}' is not applicable to type '{1}' in expression '{2}'. Record value in GeoJSON format is expected. Example "{'type':'Point', ...
Function '{0}' is not applicable to type '{1}' in expression '{2}'. Record value in GeoJSON format is expected. Example "{'type':'Point', ...
Function '{0}' returns a value of unsupported type: '{1}'. Only 'Number', 'Date', 'String', 'Object' and 'Array' types are ...
GeJSON point must contain field "type" with value "Point" and field "coordinates" with 2 float type elements. Values cannot ...
GeJSON polygon must contain field "type" with value "Polygon" and field "coordinates" with a list of no less than 4 point ...
GeoJSON LineString must contain field "type" with value "LineString" and field "coordinates" with a list of no less than ...
GeoJSON object type not supported: '{0}'. Currently supported types are 'Point' and 'Polygon'. Example: "{'type':'Point', ...
GeoJSON object type not supported: '{0}'. Currently supported types are 'Point' and 'Polygon'. Example: "{'type':'Point', ...
If 'TIMESTAMP BY OVER' and 'PARTITION BY' clauses are used in the query, all query steps and input sources must use the same ...