Configuration file syntax: Generic properties: Notification=NOTIFY_TYPE Must be the first line in the file. NOTIFY_TYPE is ...

Configuration file syntax:  Generic properties:    Notification=NOTIFY_TYPE   Must be the first line in the file. NOTIFY_TYPE                               is one of the following:                                  M - E-mail notification                                  E - Event log notification                                  C - Command line notification                                  R - Report notification    [RunLimitInterval=INTERVAL] Raise the notification at most once every                               INTERVAL minutes.  Notification specific properties:  E-mail notification:    To=EMAIL_LIST              Set the e-mail To: field. EMAIL_LIST is a                               semicolon-separated list of recipients.    [From=EMAIL]                Set the e-mail From: field. EMAIL is a valid                               e-mail address.    [ReplyTo=EMAIL]             Set the e-mail Reply-To: field. EMAIL is a valid                               e-mail address.    [Cc=EMAIL_LIST]             Set the e-mail Cc: field. EMAIL_LIST is a                               semicolon-separated list of recipients.    [Bcc=EMAIL_LIST]            Set the e-mail Bcc: field. EMAIL_LIST is a                               semicolon-separated list of recipients.    [Subject=TEXT]              Set the e-mail Subject field to TEXT.     Message=TEXT               Set the e-mail body to TEXT. Use '\' at the end                               of each line to specify line breaks in the body.  Event log notification:   [EventType=TYPE]            Specify event type. TYPE is one of the following:                                  Warning     - Warning event (default)                                  Information - Informational event                                  Error       - Critical error event     Message=TEXT               Set the event body to TEXT. Use '\' at the end                               of each line to specify line breaks in the body.  Command notification:    Command=PATH               Execute command or script at path PATH.    [Arguments=CMD_ARGS]        Use string CMD_ARGS as command arguments.    [Account=ACCOUNT]           Execute the command under the specified account.                               ACCOUNT is one of the following:                                  LocalService   - LOCAL SERVICE                                                   account (default)                                  NetworkService - NETWORK SERVICE account                                  LocalSystem    - SYSTEM account    [WorkingDirectory=PATH]     Use PATH as working directory for the command.    [MonitorCommand=STATUS]     Specify if command execution must be monitored.                               STATUS is one of the following:                                  Enable  - Monitor command                                  Disable - Do not monitor command (default)    [KillTimeOut=TIMEOUT]       Terminate a monitored command after TIMEOUT                               minutes. Requires MonitorCommand=Enable.    [LogResult=STATUS]          Specify if the command return code must be                               logged. Requires MonitorCommand=Enable. STATUS                               is one of the following:                                  Enable  - Log result                                  Disable - Do not log result (default)  Report notification:    ReportType=TYPE            Specify report types to be generated. TYPE is                               one or more of the following separated by '|':                                  DuplicateFiles        - Duplicate files report                                  Export                - Export report                                  FileScreenAudit       - File screen audit                                                          report                                  FilesByFileGroup      - Files by file group                                                          report                                  FilesByOwner          - Files by owner report                                  LargeFiles            - Large files report                                  LeastRecentlyAccessed - Least recently                                                          accessed files report                                  MostRecentlyAccessed  - Most recently accessed                                                          files report                                  QuotaUsage            - Quota usage report    [MailTo=EMAIL]              Send the reports to recipients EMAIL. EMAIL is a                               semicolon-separated list of recipients.  Available variables: