Remarks: The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match a specified search criterion: the input to ...

Remarks: The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match  a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria  and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the  properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).  If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks  around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").  If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces (for example, a list of distinguished names).   Examples: To find all IP-based site link bridges whose description starts with "TransAtlantic" and display their DNs:      dsquery slinkbr -desc TransAtlantic*  To list the Relative distinguished names (RDNs) of all SMTP-based  site link bridges defined in the directory:      dsquery slinkbr -transport smtp -o rdn