PXE Control Manager detected PXE service point is not responding to PXE requests. The status code and text is %1, %2.%12 ...

%11PXE Control Manager detected PXE service point is not responding to PXE requests.  The status code and text is %1, %2.%12

Possible cause: PXE service point encountered an error when connecting to SQL Server. 
Solution: Verify that the SQL Server is properly configured to allow PXE Service Point access.   Verify the account used by the PXE service point to connect to the SQL Server is a member of the SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_ group on the SQL Server, that the account is not locked out, and that the account password is not expired.  

Possible cause:  The SQL Server Service Principal Names (SPNs) are not registered correctly in Active Directory
Solution:  Ensure SQL Server SPNs are correctly registered.
