Usage: Publicize.exe options input-assembly Description: Publicize.exe generates an assembly that contains public types. ...

Usage:                       Publicize.exe [options] input-assembly

Description:                 Publicize.exe generates an assembly that contains
                             public types. These public types wrap all of the
                             private types in the input-assembly. Use publicize
                             for creating unit tests that target private types.

                             The generated assembly is also known as a private 

        target:[value]       Targets the generated assembly to a specific 
                             platform. Possible values:
                               Desktop: (Default) Generates a standard CLR 
                             private accessor.
                               Website: Generates a private accessor that is 
                             compatible with a Web site.
                               Device: Generates a private accessor that is
                             compatible with smart devices.
        DelaySign            Reserves space in the accessor assembly for a 
                             public key.
        KeyFile:[key file]   Signs the accessor assembly with the public key
                             stored in [key file].
                             Semi-colon separated path to reference assemblies.

                              The following command generates a standard desktop 
                              private accessor for MyAssembly.dll:
                              Publicize.exe MyAssembly.dll

                              The following command generates a private accessor 
                              for the Web site MyWebsite:
                              Publicize.exe /target:Website MyAssembly.dll
                              The following command generates a private accessor
                              signed with the key MyKey.snk:
                              Publicize.exe /KeyFile:MyKey.snk MyAssembly.dll
                              The following command generates a private 
                              accessor with reference to System.dll present 
                              in "Reference Assemblies" folder:
                              Publicize.exe MyAssembly.dll /References:"C:\ 
                              Program Files
eference Assemblies\Microsoft\