You are being prevented from completing the sign up because the personalized email address you are trying to sign up with is in use by an existing Microsoft account. Please choose another email address to continue.
You are about to make an important choice for your organization. After confirming this option, you cannot undo it anymore. ...
You are all set! There are no files in your OneDrive for Business sync location that have invalid characters at the beginning ...
You are all set! There are no files in your Onedrive for Business sync location that have invalid characters in their names ...
You are being prevented from canceling your subscription because your custom email address is set as your account's Primary ...
You are being prevented from completing the sign up because the personalized email address you are trying to sign up with ...
You are being prevented from completing the sign up due to the security settings on your Microsoft account. Please go to ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because one of the aliases you are trying remove is set as your account's ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because the alias you are trying remove is set as your 'Default' email ...
You are being prevented from completing this action because the email address you are trying to add is used by an existing ...