The conversion factor for those times specified for the operation for conversion to hours with two decimals. Conversion uses ...

The conversion factor for those times specified for the operation for conversion to hours with two decimals. Conversion uses the following formula: Hours equal operating hours * Hours/time. The following is an example of conversion of hours to hours with two decimals. The operation time is 0.50 (a half hour) and the Hours/time value is 10000. The time is calculated as: 0.50 * 10,000 = 5,000 hours. If the operation time is in minutes, then the Hours/time value is set to 0.0167. For an operation time of 30 minutes, for example, that time becomes 0.50 hours when you apply the conversion factor. Time calculation: 30.00 * 0.0167 = 0.50 hours.
English (United States)