s! type=server_settings | clients | connection_request_policies | logging | remote_access_policies blob = { DataBlock } Set ...

%1!s! [type=server_settings | clients | connection_request_policies | logging | remote_access_policies] blob =  {                         DataBlock                                                                                     }                                                                                                                       Set the configuration of the aaaa engine.                                                                                                                                                                               Running the set config command manually is not supported. This command is       used only within a Netsh command script that is created by using the dump       or show commands.                                  To view the version of the IAS database on which the Netsh script is        being run, use the show version command. Scripts older than those        created by a member of the Windows Server 2003 family are        supported.               The configuration of IAS Servers running on products in the Windows 2000       Server family can be imported into products in the Windows        Server 2003 family with set config. The reverse, however, is not        possible.
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