Parameters: Value Description Required/stdin. Common name (CN) of one or more sites to modify. If target objects are omitted ...

Parameters:  Value                   Description              Required/stdin. Common name (CN) of one or more sites to modify.                          If target objects are omitted they                          will be taken from standard input (stdin)                          to support piping of output from another                          command to input of this command.  -desc      Sets site description to .  -autotopology {yes | no}                          Sets whether automatic inter-site topology generation                          is enabled (yes) or disabled (no).                          Default: yes.  -cachegroups {yes | no}                          Sets whether caching of group membership for users                          to support GC-less logon is enabled (yes)                           or not (no).                          Default: no.                          This setting is supported only on                           Windows Server 2003 family domain controllers.  -prefGCsite   Sets the preferred GC site to  if caching                          of groups is enabled via the -cachegroups parameter.                          This setting is supported only on                           Windows Server 2003 family domain controllers.  {-s  | -d }                          -s  connects to the domain controller (DC)                          with name .                          -d  connects to a DC in domain .                          Default: a DC in the logon domain.  -u            Connect as . Default: the logged in user.                          User name can be: user name, domain\user name,                          or user principal name (UPN).  -p            Password for the user . If * then prompt                          for password.  -c                      Continuous operation mode. Reports errors but                          continues with next object in argument list when                          multiple target objects are specified. Without                          this option, the command exits on first error.  -q                      Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.  {-uc | -uco | -uci} -uc Specifies that input from or output to pipe is     formatted in Unicode.      -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is      formatted in Unicode.      -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is     formatted in Unicode.
English (United States)