Can not find routing group for user {0}.Please check if you have administrative privileges and check if CMS and AD is installed correctly.
Calls to Conferencing Attendant are experiencing authentication issues with the A/V Authentication Service. Cause: Network/Topology ...
Calls to Conferencing Attendant are experiencing issues with the A/V Edge Server. Cause: Network/Topology issues. Resolution: ...
Can not find any pools in the target version to support upgrade. Pool Service Version: '%1' Cause: Can not find any pools ...
Can not find internal edge port on the access proxy. Please verify that port exists with 'AccessEdge' component id, 'SipServer' ...
Can not find routing group for user {0}.Please check if you have administrative privileges and check if CMS and AD is installed ...
Can not find service edge fqdn in the hosting provider of access edge configuration. Cause: Can not find service edge fqdn ...
Can not upgrade the tenant in upgrade engine handler. ServiceInstance: '%1', TenantId: '%2', Error: '%3' Cause: Can not upgrade ...
Can not upgrade the user in upgrade engine handler. ServiceInstance: '%1', TenantId: '%2', ObjectId: '%3', Error: '%4' Cause: ...
can't be uploaded because it exceeds the maximum allowed number of slides per file. Please reduce the number of slides and ...