manage-bde -lock Volume {-ForceDismount|-fd} {-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName {-?|/?} {-Help|-h} Description: Prevents access ...

manage-bde -lock Volume {-ForceDismount|-fd}
                              [{-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName]
                              [{-?|/?}] [{-Help|-h}]

    Prevents access to BitLocker-encrypted data. Once a data volume is locked,
    it can only be unlocked using one of the key protectors on the volume. No key protectors
    are deleted.

Parameter List:
    Volume      A drive letter followed by a colon. Example: "C:"
    -ForceDismount or -fd
                Attempts to lock the volume even if it is in use. This allows
                the volume to be locked when applications have non-exclusive
                access to the volume.
    -ComputerName or -cn
                Runs on another computer. Examples: "ComputerX", ""
    -? or /?    Displays brief help. Example: "-ParameterSet -?"
    -Help or -h Displays complete help. Example: "-ParameterSet -h"

    manage-bde -lock e:
    manage-bde -lock e: -ForceDismount