The source table for the prospect. The three options, which depend on the prospect type, are as follows: Customer: Customer table Vendor: Vendor table All others: Relation table
The source of the purchase agreement. This field indicates whether the purchase agreement is the original order, or whether ...
The source of the sales agreement. This field indicates whether the sales agreement is the original sales agreement, or whether ...
The source of the sales agreement. This field indicates whether the sales agreement is the original sales agreement, or whether ...
The source of the selected product for the purchase requisition line. The following values are used: Internal catalog item ...
The source table for the prospect. The three options, which depend on the prospect type, are as follows: Customer: Customer ...
The SourceDocumentLineSubledgerJourErrorLog holds the relationship between a source document line and error that resulted ...
The specific attributes of the item. You cannot change the item configuration after you update order transactions, such as ...
The specified aggregation for given forecast dimensions could not be performed. This might be caused by the aggregated quantities ...
The specified AOT name is invalid. An AOT name must begin with a letter or an underscore character, followed by zero or more ...