DESCRIPTION: Insite can be used to make sure clients access only those replicas that are in the same site as the client. ...

DESCRIPTION: Insite can be used to make sure clients access only those replicas that are in the same site as the client. It can also be used to disable such behavior.  %1!ws!  PARAMETERS:  : UNC path of a dfsnamespace or dfslink.  NOTES: 1) The path specified may be a root or a link. 2) Access of Domain Controllers may be site-sensitive as well. That,     however, is a DC specific property that must be enabled/disabled in    the registry of relevant DC(s):    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dfs\Parameters\InsiteReferrals: DWORD 1 or 0   EXAMPLES: dfsutil property Insite \\\DomainNamespace1 dfsutil property Insite \\SRV1\StandaloneNamespace1