Unable to create or update the pipeline '{0}' in the data factory '{1}' because activity '{2}' Concurrency is greater than the maximum of {3}. Reduce the Concurrency for this activity and try again, or contact support to increase the limit for your subscription: {4}. See https://azure.microsoft.com/support/options/
Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1} because the maximum number ...
Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1} because the maximum number ...
Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1} because the maximum number ...
Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with {0} cores for subscription {1}. The Azure Data Factory quota ...
Unable to create or update the pipeline '{0}' in the data factory '{1}' because activity '{2}' Concurrency is greater than ...
Unable to create or update the pipeline '{0}' in the data factory '{1}' because activity '{2}' LongRetry is greater than ...
Unable to create or update the pipeline '{0}' in the data factory '{1}' because activity '{2}' Retry is greater than the ...
Unable to create or update the pipeline '{0}' in the data factory '{1}' because it has {2} activities, which is more than ...
Unable to create or update the pipeline: {0} in the data factory: {1} because activity: {2}'s Concurrency is greater than ...