Could not retrieve the solution identified by the following uri: {0}. The uri was found but one or more of the identifying properties is corrupted or missing.
Could not resolve the host name for {0}. Please check that your proxy settings are correctly configured. See your system ...
Could not retrieve schema information. If the select statement produces a result set with unnamed columns, use the 'AS' keyword ...
Could not retrieve the customization identified by the following solution ID: {0}. The solution ID was found but one or more ...
Could not retrieve the solution identified by the following subscriptionId: {0}. The subscriptionId was found but one or ...
Could not retrieve the solution identified by the following uri: {0}. The uri was found but one or more of the identifying ...
Could not save per-user Visual C++ project settings to '%s'. Debugger, publishing, and deployment settings may not have persisted ...
Could not unambiguously find a return TypeDescriptor with path '{0}' on the return parameter '{1}' for the MethodInstance ...
Could not update a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax ...
Could not verify whether the account under which the test agent is running has the right permissions to connect to the test ...