NET TIME synchronizes the computer's clock with that of another computer or domain, or displays the time for a computer or ...

NET TIME synchronizes the computer's clock with that of another computer or domain, or displays the time for a computer or domain. When used without options on a Windows Server domain, it displays the current  date and time at the computer designated as the time server for the domain. This command allows setting the NTP timeserver for computername.  \\computername  Is the name of the computer you want to check or                 synchronize with.  /DOMAIN[:domainname]  Specifies to synchronize the time from the Primary Domain                       Controller of domainname.  /RTSDOMAIN[:domainname]  Specifies to synchronize with a Reliable Time Server                          from domainname.  /SET            Synchronizes the computer's time with the time                 on the specified computer or domain. /QUERYSNTP      Displays the currently configured NTP server for this computer /SETSNTP[:ntp server list]                 Sets the NTP time servers to be used by this computer.  This                 may be a list of IP addresses or DNS names separated by spaces.                 If multiple timeservers are listed, the list must be surrounded                 by quotes.  NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.