{You are trying to change the name of a resource you sent assignments to earlier.}If you make this change, you will need to do the following to update Project Web App: 1. Apply the Resource Sheet view. 2. Click the File tab and select Publish. Do you want to proceed?
You are currently in the middle of a wizard. Are you sure you want to navigate away without completing the wizard? Click ...
You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following site collection, which has exceeded ...
You are receiving this e-mail message because you are an administrator of the following site collection, which has exceeded ...
You are trying to change the name of a resource you sent assignments to earlier. If you make this change, you will need to ...
You are trying to change the name of a resource you sent assignments to earlier.}If you make this change, you will need to ...
You are trying to connect to Project Server 2007.}Please make sure to use Project Professional 2007 to connect to Project ...
You are trying to connect to Project Server 2010.}Please make sure to use Project Professional 2010 to connect to Project ...
You are trying to delete projects that are checked out to you.}You may potentially lose any data that were not synched to ...
You are trying to delete the base calendar ^1.}However, the calendar is a task calendar and you cannot delete it. First stop ...